Saturday, July 2, 2011

Sproxel v0.4 Released!

Another month, another Sproxel release.  New features include:
  • Command-line loading of voxel grids.
  • OBJ export is much improved.  You can now export quads or triangles.  The resulting mesh is now airtight and contains no internal polygons.  This allows for operations requiring perfect connectivity to be performed.
  • Image import - using File->Import, you can import a standard 2d image into the grid.  BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, and TIFF image file formats are all supported.
  • Mirroring around any axis.
  • Rotation clockwise and counter clockwise around any axis.
  • Window positions are now saved on exit and restored on startup.
  • A new Edit->Preferences dialog exists where you can change grid size and color, background color, and a few other minor UI features.
  • Popup palette color editor starts with the right color now.
  • Application clean state and undo is more stable.
  • Built using the Microsoft compiler.
  • A few small UI improvements.

Download Sproxel 0.4 in the usual place.

This image, courtesy of Metin at illustrates some of the effects you can achieve using Sproxel's new seamless OBJ export and importing into a package like 3dStudio Max, Maya, or Blender.


  1. Great news! I'll be sure to give the improved .ojb export a go. Previously I prototyped some models in Sproxel to get the design I liked and then made them again in Blender... should be a lot easier now :-)

  2. Yes, it should be identical in terms of features. I'm guessing the new Mac version will be up in the next couple of days.

  3. Hey guys. Yeah, like Ryan said, version 0.4 OSX has all the new features of Windows version 0.4.

    Ryan built it a couple of days ago (!), but I've been Away Without Internet for the last few. It just finished uploading, so I'll post about it now. Thanks again Ryan!
